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Ramblings of
Alex Lovett


Up a Level - Experiments - Store


Unity5 - Reality_2.0 - Math_Art - Lilly - Drawing - GameDesign - Inspiration - XFactor - Valideus - Food - WheelReview - GKN - Lumen - WishList - RoundTree - Painting_with_Light - House - Website - Fridge
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New Little Snitch is out and It's much better:

Can finally snoop on where my net is going in and out

What have I been doing... well the list is long

So many things missing I don't know where to start...

In no particular order:

New iMacs came out, then a new iPod Touch came out:

New shiny keyboards:

I got an xbox 360 and got addicted to DiRT::

I got a force feedback wheel:

I got a new modem:

I went to Valencia in Spain for 3 weeks:

I installed the latest build of Leopard

I reinstalled the latest build of leopard

I reinstalled the latest build of leopard

I stopped MESSING with leopard, so hopefully no more reinstalling


I didn't like the Leopard dock so I hacked it:

I accidentally deleted all my emails (well the last 2 months worth), but they all go thru gmail now, so I re-recieved them, and all is well.

I've changed the Leopard desktop background to several flavors that change throughout the day

I've been compiling a list of all the films I think you should see before you die, this is it so far:

And yes some of those are highly suspect, but essential none the less.

Link: --- &m=100000&ts=160

They are sorted by IMDB rating

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The pure and simple truth is rarely pure and never simple -- Oscar Wilde
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Site and content designed, built and massaged by
Alex Lovett
( HD6 / HeliosDoubleSix )
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