The rich get richer and the poor get - children
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Alex Lovett


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I love this image

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I kid you not!!

Looks horrid and costs loads, just the sort of thing all materialistic idiots with no taste crave

I'm kinda hoping It's just a publicity stunt, which would be worth It's weight in gold if they only made one of these and some idiot actually buys it

Lets not give any thought to the fact the value of gold in this thing will; by a staggering amount, outlive the value of the computer parts. Which will loose 20% of It's value in the next 6 months at least


24k gold and naturally it has diamonds too cus I mean.. well duh it has to have diamonds

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A sweeping statement I'm aware, but seriously, I see it countless times:

In what universe do reflections take up less space than the item being reflected, It's as bad as drawing cups in perspective with a flat bottom, as bad as drawing people with arms coming out there sides, exactly the sort of thing you can be forgiven for only if you pre school and have some flawed mental model of how the world works.

Use your eyes people! goto life drawing class or something!


Also, relating to this art by the same guy (im not picking on you honest)

A great deal of art lately looks like this, and I\'m somewhat a fan of it in moderation, but It's almost always so flat looking. 2D designer listen up, get more spatially aware, things can exist in depth too you've spent too much time in photoshop on a computer screen.

Ill forgive them for the most part as It's particularly hard to integrate vector and stock photos together in 3D space



This is better, it has depth, though It's almost entirely the original photograph, you lazy bastard.
Oh that and the women looks retarded, seriously, am I the only person who thinks skinny women that look like this are retarded.

Steps to good design, step 1: Insert glamourous model that's underweight and takes self too seriously, step 2... there is no step 2!


Nice engrish

Nice somehow has put up for download all/most the Channel 4 idents (Which I Love)

Link: --- four-to-the-floor-the-possibly-complete-collection


I've been trying to fix my RSS feed so when I make changes they get flagged as so, but It's not working... at least it doesn't appear to be working. It's driving me quite mad. I could do with a programming/rss/php parsing genius right about now.

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funny.. high school biology, how was it several years later till I found about a whole new organ I did'nt even know we had..
makes me wonder what other organs they forgot to mention in the curriculm
jeez you leave school thinking people have a heart a brain and lungs
and some miscelanous blobs


lol to computers that advertise dual core so you can virus check and work at same time
woo! faster computer, more virus checking, who wouldn't buy for that reason!
surely.. faster cpu = more viruses

buy a dual core! 1 core for your viruses/adware/trojans the other for your apps
perfect, what a way to sell a computer

huh... It's alright for some... £1000 for 8 hours...


He is good though, not that there's much of his work on his site

Funny what difference a bit of makeup can make:

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Now that's just silly

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