I am a deeply superficial person
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Alex Lovett


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Tags: - C4D - Vray
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Messing in 3D, just took a few quick photos of the room I'm in at multiple exposures, merged them together to make a 32 bit HDR, then had a play at lighting a scene and some glass objects I made using that image. The 6 ceilings lights cast the appropriate 6 varying shadows as they do in the real room, along with fancy soft penumbra? shadows youd expect, renders very fast too thanks to Vrays image based Area Light. Normal global illumination would take AGES, now lighting a scene using an image is easy!

In fact, the scene has no bounced light in it at all. No point with the nature of the scene really.

Before post work

I have a big shiny Chrome ball, photographing that:

Can then be used to light a room by turning it into a spherical panorama:

Clearer look at the multiple shadows it casts and the interesting natural variance they have, more interesting than boring predictable uniform spotlight any day.

Though of course lighting an object with 6 horrid halogen ceiling lights is going to look pretty awful in an artistic sense, It's interesting in a recreation of reality sense.

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My brain is craving the chemicals released by interactions such that had by opposite sex, the addiction becoming ever more associated with a single individual of certain absence today due to elements beyond my control -- Me
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