Life is hard. After all, it kills you
Ramblings of
Alex Lovett



Up a Level - Y2006-Mo07-W30 - Y2006-Mo01-W02 - Y2006-Mo07-W29 - Y2006-Mo02-W07 - Y2006-Mo12-W52 - Y2006-Mo12-W50 - Y2006-Mo01-W04 - Y2006-Mo01-W05 - Y2006-Mo11-W45 - Y2006-Mo03-W12 - Y2006-Mo05-W21 - Y2006-Mo10-W41 - Y2006-Mo03-W09 - Y2006-Mo02-W06 - Y2006-Mo03-W10 - Y2006-Mo09-W36 - Y2006-Mo02-W08 - Y2006-Mo07-W28 - Y2006-Mo08-W31 - Y2006-Mo09-W35 - Y2006-Mo08-W34 - Y2006-Mo09-W38 - Y2006-Mo01-W03 - Y2006-Mo08-W32 - Y2006-Mo08-W33 - Y2006-Mo03-W11 - Y2006-Mo11-W44 - Y2006-Mo11-W46


Unity5 - Reality_2.0 - Math_Art - Lilly - Drawing - GameDesign - Inspiration - XFactor - Valideus - Food - WheelReview - GKN - Lumen - WishList - RoundTree - Painting_with_Light - House - Website - Fridge



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New Phone + clicker, keep staying up till 8 O-o

New Blender! Busy Busy, garb!

Coffe Maker O_o

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Tags: - Photoshop
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It's here at last and It's not that bad... CS3!

Above created with smart filters, so the text is editable at any time, and the filter simply reapply.. woo
Great aside from the number of bugs in it to do with transparency.

And the UI is pretty cool too, aside from It's lack of dual monitor awareness. Gay

Of course it is still Beta

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Link: --- aerogel

ooh, weird

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Strikingly similar, yet different.. perhaps It's inspired.

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Tags: - C4D
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I've been playing with the technique of capturing normal maps with a lamp and a camera, using just 4 photos:

Underwater effect by adding a specular highlight. And a chrome effect by adding an environment map, all displayed in realtime, now that's fun!

And all from assembling 4 photographs


(Well and a very simple base mesh of a bowl shape)

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It's better to have something to remember than anything to regret -- Frank Zappa
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Site and content designed, built and massaged by
Alex Lovett
( HD6 / HeliosDoubleSix )
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