I don't want to die without any scars
Ramblings of
Alex Lovett



Up a Level - Y2013-Mo02-W07 - Y2013-Mo08-W33 - Y2013-Mo10-W40 - Y2013-Mo09-W38


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Tags: - C4D - Vray
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Continued toying with Vray here are the results, first with post effects and second without:

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Tags: - C4D - Vray
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Just playing back in C4D with Vray, haven't touched this in years. I miss the relative simplicity and sanity of this work now


I just love Vray, once you know all the things you shouldn't use and set all the defaults up to something sane anyway, which only takes a few years of tinkering to figure out -_-

3D would be super easy for almost anyone if the defaults were even close to useful. Even HDR images for sky are often all incorrectly 'normalized' with the sun being relatively too dim to cast shadows properly. So I wanted to try again at lighting a render as simply as possible, No messing with render quality settings shadow bias's and stochastic samples, none of that hideous rubbish of the past. Just make the scene the correct size, the camera the correct f-stop exposure, and throw in a sky with a bright sun. Simple as it should be. Brute force + Light cache so there is practically not settings or tweaking, and hit render, done. A Vray does it wonderfully, pretty fast too ( at least for a sill )

Now to tax it, throw a stained glass window in front, can it cope... yes it can, wonderfully, go Vray! it gets a bit noisier, but not as noisy as I expected. I think in 3Ds Max Vray you can turn on optimizations for glass to do with bidirectional ray tracing or something too.

Not the worlds most impressive render or scene. But it cheered me up to see me get something simple rendered realistically in about 3 minutes, without having to fiddle of hours like the old days.

I do miss it, I learned so much about 3D rendering and light/materials and never really got to make anything with it. I spent so long fiddling and learning, actually making things got neglected!

Ah and I just found about Light Portals, which should make it even betterer, fancy that.


Screwed something up and added speccy noise, but otherwise looks pretty good!

And then I stumbled on this old website again, the old Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, I should totally put my religion as Pastafarian on the next form I fill out

"I welcome you to join me in silent reverence to His Savoriness, the Noodle in the Sky, our Saucy Master, The Flying Spaghetti Monster. May you be forever touched by His Noodly Appendage."

From here:

But I digress, revisiting some old renders with Vray that I am now yet again bored of fiddling with, first with post effects and second without

Just been playing about with Octane Render on Mac with C4D, wow amazing really. Very fast if you have a good card, scary fast, definitely need to look into it more, they seem like a good solid company too.

How many CEO's of Octane can sit on a Stanford bunny.. why as many as wants to:

And realtime cloud based, HTML WEBGL 3D tool!?!?!? for the web:

They are adding Vray Cloud support soon too

And some plastic, cus why not! Couldn't be bothered to get a better scratch map, but you get the idea, 4 hours well spent... thanks to fumbling around trying to figure out why it wasn't working, to find Vray has reflection cutout on by default *shakes fist at sky* why are all the default settings so WRONG!!!

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Tags: - Funny - Misc
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Note to self, don't sun self in garden then fall up some steps with phone in hand:

On the Plus side new 30"


woo go team me!


On the down side I have the wrong display connector lead so I get to enjoy all of 50% of my new monitor


My 'Command Center' while I was waiting for the 30" to arrive, Thought I'd try Portrait and enjoyed it a lot for coding... what a huge nerd I have become

Though I still got nothing on this guy:

And he's got nothing on this guy:

And here is a horse enjoying a helicopter ride in McGuyver:

Possibly the greatest thing I have ever witnessed on tv is McGuyver escaping on horse back and being air lifted mid stride

And while I'm in a random mood been watching StarTrek TNG from scratch as they re-released in HD:

And turns out my style choices or lack thereof have led me to become a perfect imitation of Inspector gadget


One has to be able to take the piss out of ones self *sips tea*

Great sadness, I dropped my bake well *sobs*

My Kitty likes the smell of Brioche it would seem, silly Sasha:

Also some truths

And screw the person who invented Menu Bar Icons and didn't set up a governing body to regulate it:

And why.. why so many tabs, what is wrong with me:

And lastly I made this graph of relative time scales, each pixels was something like 1000 years If I remember right. So for example you can see Fish and Plants in total have been around 4x longer than dinosaurs, and that the entire transformation it took from Lemurs to Modern Human beings was similar to the amount of time Dinosaurs evolved and were alive for entirely. And that for a huge chunk of time we just had single cell life, but that single cell life sprang up relatively quickly and it took AGES to get to multi cell, but once it had... everything got started then


Your entire life and that of everyone you have ever known is also on that graph, It's an invisible smudge too small for the naked eye to see though, like a mustard burp, momentarily tangy and then forgotten in the air

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Ok it is apparent writing to this journal of randomness is not something I do often enough, in fact add that to the long list of things I don't do enough

Exercise, Travel, Work etc etc

And all the things I haven't done, checked off, got round to reading, watching, listening to and playing

Vast, easily 1000's of times greater than the usable years in a single life

Life very much is becoming more apparently stream like, where you dip in, versus a list of things you check off and 'achieve'

Still this realization helps me little, either in figuring out what I am to do tomorrow, or the equally bewildering question of what on earth it was I even did yesterday

Ah but how the last 12 months have been fun, so so fun


LetterPress = TimeVampire

Igloo is no more

Aww my moms diet dinner on the right... very sad:

Sadness ensued:

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