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Alex Lovett


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Tags: - Food
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My catalog of foods for personal use

I've Been rather busy buying food lately. I decided I needed to add more diversity to my diet, removing the over abundance and reliance on cheese I currently have in my meal choices. And focus on healthy eating.
Stir Frying sauces and vegetables basically. I bought so much stuff in the past few days I've had to catalog it with photos so I know what I've got and where I got it from for how much £

It's a been a great success so far, I've found some great stuff, and even went to a wholesale/open to public Chinese Supermarket where I had a bit of a culture shock looking at some of the strange eclectic foods they had on sale.

I've gone for spicy food over herby,sweet & sour, creamy style. 1 because I hate herby creamy foods and 2 because they are drastically high in salt, sugar and fat. Spice is good.

These are Dated as 2005 so they show last on the blog as they are incredibly uninteresting and for personal use


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