Bitch, be cool!
Ramblings of
Alex Lovett


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I've started work conceptualising a filing helper/guide/wizard.

to say It's complex is an understatement, making complex things simpler is hard!

I have compiled all my UI related thoughts into a file called Dreams.

My Memory game widget (half stolen code but I made it cool)

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All bloody day I've been watching this:

Every year I'm subjected to the awfulness that is Quicktime streaming, useless, slow, and down right frustrating as it continues to move the playhead while providing neither video of audio. Wont don't they just use progressive video download I don't know.

That aside, lets check my predictions:

"new 64bit Mac Tower with new case, most likely a derivation of the current case minus grill"
Correct, alas, the grill is still there 'yuck'

New to OS 10.5:
"iCal 3", yup

"iChat 4 with VOIP and better video support .mac only"
no VOIP yet but some interesting features that already exists via third party addon's like ChatFX

"Safari 3", no information here yet

"Spotlight 2 with keywords! and better tie ins with new Finder"
It may have keywords, I tm ay not, It's unsure, but things have been enhanced

"Finder 2", changes unsure yet.

"Some kind of virtualisation probably like Fast User Switch, not like WINE or X11"
Well, no mention here, but maybe that's there 'Top Secret' feature.

"Front Row 2", no details available here yet either.

"Vector UI" annoying absent, I was hoping a large focus would be here in order to get developers fixing apps NOW and not when It's too late.

In dreams:
"new File System, versioning/revision/history/rollback per file/folder"
Well it has a versioning system now, though not how id imagined it, not sure how practical this will be.

Time Machine:

And Space machine!!

I think overall, underwhelming, though I new it would be (being a pessimist)
The 'top secret' feature better be pretty amazing, though I doubt it is. They need to make huge changes to the way we deal with files in the Finder and a large UI overall to unify apps appearances with a move to vector. If I got both of those things I'd shut up and salivate, but otherwise, I'm left facing an update that will just fix a few things (hopefully everything) which... is grrreat and all, but certainly has no ground for them to start taunting Vista so much, it speaks of desperation.

I just pray to god they get this one right, cus It's possibly the most important release ever, it should be the coming of age we're all waiting for in the face of Vistas launch, and that kind of thing only happens every 5 years


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Just found a Dragonfly in my garden:

And oddly, enough, a giant fat panting rat, but he didn't stay for pictures.

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This is the best thing ever:

Built in light so you can see keyboard, wow, totally awesome... *sigh*

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Just got back from Town, I have bought a ring! and I checked out Apples Cinema Displays, got my eye on a 23" still, but I am definitely waiting for Apple to bring out new models first.

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