Fish and Plankton and Sea Greens from the Sea
Ramblings of
Alex Lovett


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I've been thinking about things, and have decided to focus more on Motion Graphics and general 3D

I think i'll finish him one day, when the tools are available to me, I\'m waiting on Zbrush 3 which I need to do the high level detailing, and the game I designed this for UT2007, still isn't out


and I don't have a computer that could even run it if it was.

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Strikingly similar, yet different.. perhaps It's inspired.

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I've been playing with the technique of capturing normal maps with a lamp and a camera, using just 4 photos:

Underwater effect by adding a specular highlight. And a chrome effect by adding an environment map, all displayed in realtime, now that's fun!

And all from assembling 4 photographs


(Well and a very simple base mesh of a bowl shape)

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Just messing, one day ill get back to modelling this guy.

I've finally got a copy of Cinema 4D R10 woot!

Windows crashed and decided to eat my Mac partition, thanks.... lost all my games. Then I was writing a script to make aliases and I overwrote 10 films with... yah.. with aliases to themselves... wonderful. *bangs head*

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This doesn't really need a caption.

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You just have to embrace and accept the parts of you and your existence beyond your control even if they are socially abhorrent and especially if they are illegal, to live afraid and constrained by the law of others is not to live at all; but to exist like an insect part of the swarm -- Me
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Site and content designed, built and massaged by
Alex Lovett
( HD6 / HeliosDoubleSix )
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