Damn it, damn it all to hell
Ramblings of
Alex Lovett


Up a Level - error_log - Experiments - Store


Unity5 - Reality_2.0 - Math_Art - Lilly - Drawing - GameDesign - Inspiration - XFactor - Valideus - Food - WheelReview - GKN - Lumen - WishList - RoundTree - Painting_with_Light - House - Website - Fridge
Tags: - C4D - AfterEffects
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Woo Finally finished this animation

Project progress here:

Link: helios.mine.nu --- Y2006-Mo12-XFactor

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29 hours away woo

And It's begun!

*Eats hat*

uhm... damn, did'nt see this coming for at least 3 more years....

OSX on a phone *dies*


Many devices have comparable features, but none come close to the awe factor of the iPhone, while it has many pitfalls (tied to Cingular, $$$, mediocre camera, no voip, Apple made apps only no third party!!! etc) I think It's a tremendous starting point into a diverse and vast market.

Much like the first iPod (was Mac only) this will only appeal to a small number of people, the upper 1% if you will

No doubt like only Apple can, it will re-itterate the iPhone in years to come and make this first model look as relatively lame as the first iPod now looks today.

I lookforward to see how this develops into a device for everyone! Welldone Apple for making another previously mundane market exciting!

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Tags: - C4D - AfterEffects
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Woop, I've started the new year working late and getting into the worst sleeping pattern yet, a great start!

First Draft to Client has been finished woo

Link: helios.mine.nu --- Y2006-Mo12-XFactor

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New Phone + clicker, keep staying up till 8 O-o

New Blender! Busy Busy, garb!

Coffe Maker O_o

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Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else -- Margaret Mead
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