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Alex Lovett


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Tags: - C4D - Vray
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Doing some material tests, so I created this weird widget for testing them... he's friendly honest, Introducing friendly material test widget guy:

Faking Color Dispersion, this is done by rendering it 3 times with slightly different IOR value. Then puting each render into R, G and B channels in photoshop.

1st = one pass, 2nd = 3 passes joined, 3rd = Post Effects

In future vray versions for C4D you should be able to do this effect in 1 render using Blend materials... which would be nice as this naturally takes 3x longer to render! and is a fiddle

The GI is quite low and is only using GI caustics so It's quite blurry.

Reference Photo:

($16 million for the above, my render cost considerably less)

And here a bigger render:

And in green:

The fancy bloom/drity lens effect is done in post by Maxwell's Simulens, render done by Vray

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